Category: Job Function Email Database

What is the Social Media Resume and how to create it

 It is an excellent platform to work on our 2.0 relationships. 2. Twitter, the one that makes you visible Twitter has incredible potential when it comes to helping give visibility to a professional profile and a personal brand, and for that reason alone it should be enough to work on your resume on Twitter. It […]

Platforms to create a social media resume

Creating your portfolio can be a visually perfect complement to add to your resume and cover letter. Some benefits of the social portfolio: It provides you with differential value, not everyone has a social portfolio. You show recruiters and companies. The results achieved with your work; Show your achievements in a more visual and attractive […]

Social Networks in which you should work on your Social Curriculum

I think it is a step that will increase in Spain and other countries because we spend more time on the Internet and on social networks, and recruiters will take into account our digital footprint (what we say and how). we say it. How to make a Social Media Resume I believe that having a […]

Social Media Resume what it is and how to make a social resume

In this post we will see the Social Media Resume , what it is , how to  social media resume, what social networks we should include and what tools can help create a social resume. According to a study carried out by Infojobs, 50% of Spanish companies claim to consult the social profiles of candidates […]