Tag: Phone number database

Consumer Confidence: Complete Discussion + 3 Key Indicators

Customer trust in the business product that you are running is an extraordinary achievement in doing business. You need to do this because it has a direct impact on selling business products. Trust or trust from customers is very beneficial for your business, where they will make purchases repeatedly, even in the long term. Thus, you […]

Capable of Mastering the Global Market

Buying and using local products will make producers more known and attractive to many businesses. Along with the large number of requests and interest in their products, entrepreneurs have more and more opportunities to develop. Products that are developed will be of higher quality, so that it is not uncommon for them to penetrate international […]

 5 Reasons You Should Take a Digital Marketing Course in 2022

Habits and bad views about domestic products often cover up the fact that there are products that are of good quality and are in demand in foreign markets. Lack of knowledge about domestic products often makes consumers or even business people themselves do not know about products made in Indonesia that are selling well abroad. When reviewed […]

What is a Landing Page? This is the Difference with Websites & Microsites

Surely you are familiar with Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Yes, these names are social media websites. This type of website allows users to connect and communicate with each other. Also usually, users have control for their own page like appearance. And users can create content that is shared on your social media. Have your own page or […]

News and Magazine Websites

Usually used by a company or a business to provide information related to companies, employees, products, services and others. Unlike the Ecommerce website, this website does not have an add to cart or payment button . Because the creation of this website is intended so that customers can get information and contact companies or businesses directly. This […]

Long form video vs short form video

The strategy should take into account factors such as budget. Distribution channels, promotion and advertising. Implementation of programs involves the use of all marketing tools to implement the strategy. This means that the company must use the right tools. Such as advertising, promotion, public relations, e-marketing and others, to achieve its goals. Kotler and Keller’s […]

It for digital marketing infographic

The concept of Kotler and Keller in the th ition assumes that effective marketing requires the use of a wide range of tools. These include: product, price, distribution, promotion, customer relations, brand management and channel management. To use these tools in accordance with Kotler and Keller’s concept, you should start by defining marketing goals and […]

Bloggers Influencers Or Internet Portals

Base on it, you can with high probability accurately recommend something to newlywes, young parents, retirees, etc. Do you want to implement effective contextual marketing? Check which strategy we recommend for you! Enter your e-mail, we will contact you Recommendations base on shopping preferences allow you to suggest similar or complementary products to what is […]