Tag: Italy Phone Number List

The structure of product pages

View reviews from other customers . By showing the number of reviews left by other users and the rating they give you, your website gains transparency and credibility . You can add a “testimonials” section. Interesting sections for  the user, presenting your products with a certain emphasis. For example, “Bestsellers”, “Most viewed”, “Most shared”. This gives a new feeling to your site, which will […]

Digital Channels Such as Chat Sms

That is very important to me about being a father.BY MARCO CLAZING Employee training: people and technology can perform better together IN IT, DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, CIO Employee training: people and technology can perform better together Don’t want to miss anything? Sign up for our online newsletter and stay inform of the latest content! We know […]

Marketers Worldwide for the Next Ten

Customers expect an immiate expert answer to their questions. How can companies ensure that they actually provide that answer? State of Sales, 4th ition What is Inbound Marketing? Inbound marketing is a strategy in which a company tries to attract potential customers through SEO-focus online content (blogs, white papers, etc.) and social mia activity . […]